New heat supply contract between BioEnergie Taufkirchen and GeoEnergie Taufkirchen

May 08, 2024

Long-term cooperation for the region and the climate.

BioEnergie Taufkirchen (BET) and GeoEnergie Taufkirchen (GET) have signed an agreement that strengthens regional supply security and global climate protection: a heat supply contract that runs until 2033 stipulates that BET will purchase at least 21,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of geothermal heat from GET each year. This corresponds to a good fifth of the heat generated by BET itself. Thanks to this long-term cooperation and the contractually guaranteed supply, even more district heating generated from renewable sources will supply large parts of Hohenbrunn, Neubiberg, Ottobrunn, Taufkirchen and Brunnthal in the southern district of Munich. It thus contributes to a high level of supply security and climate-friendly supply.

Thomas Hümmer, Managing Director of GeoEnergie Taufkirchen, said: "Our goal was clear from the outset: we wanted to supply as many citizens and companies from a wide range of municipalities as possible with renewable energy at favourable and stable prices that are as CO2 -free as possible. With the signing of the contract, this goal is now secured for the long term.”

Dr Felix Kreidl, Managing Director of GeoEnergie Taufkirchen: "As part of the IKAV Group, GET is also looking forward to further expanding its cooperation with the municipalities in the Munich area. Geothermal energy is the centrepiece of our district heating strategy in Germany. Together with the municipalities, we are making an important contribution to the energy transition."

Stefan Birle, Managing Director of BioEnergie Taufkirchen: "After an extensive negotiation phase, we have succeeded in concluding a new long-term heat supply contract. It makes an important contribution to the sustainable supply of heat across municipal boundaries. The cooperation between BET and GET is based on a common goal. It is about the success of the heating transition and the secure and reliable supply of renewable energy to our customers."

About BioEnergie Taufkirchen (BET)

BioEnergie Taufkirchen GmbH & Co KG is a wholly owned subsidiary of Stadtwerke München (SWM). It operates a biomass cogeneration plant that utilises regional wood waste and wood chips, mainly from the surrounding forests. BET generates around 25,000 MWh of green electricity and around 100,000 MWh of green heat per year through combined heat and power generation. The green electricity is fed into the electricity grid and the green heat into the SWM district heating networks of the "Region Süd". This supplies Ottobrunn, Neubiberg, Hohenbrunn (each west of the railway), Taufkirchen and Brunnthal (only Brunnthal-Nord industrial estate). More at BET is a component of SWM's commitment to the energy and heating transition: 

About GeoEnergie Taufkirchen (GET)

GeoEnergie Taufkirchen's geothermal plant has been in operation since 2013. It generates green heat, which is fed into the district heating network of Gemeindewerke Oberhaching (GWO) and into the district heating networks of SWM for BET. The shareholders of GET are GWO, BET, Geysir Europe GmbH and Taufkirchen Holding GmbH & Co KG. Geysir Europe and Taufkirchen Holding are companies of the IKAV Group, an international asset management company that develops and invests in renewable energy projects in Europe, among other things. Find out more about GWO and the IKAV Group at and

About IKAV  

IKAV is an international asset management group, with local offices in Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Portugal, USA and France. The group was established in 2010. It provides institutional investors with investment solutions spanning a broad range of infrastructure energy assets, including solar, concentrated solar power, wind, energy efficiency, geothermal, thermal power plants & upstream. IKAV is a buy & hold investor with a vertically integrated business model to optimise its investment portfolio and to make its assets in line with the global net zero strategy over the upcoming decades. For more information, please visit